Call for pandemic stories

Auckland’s Level 4 lockdown will be reviewed next Monday.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19 is inviting people to share their experiences of the pandemic.

The inquiry is looking at a wide range of covid-related topics such as mandates and other public health measures, and a variety of social and economic issues.

However, commission chair Professor Tony Blakely says there will be additional topics that people might like the inquiry to consider, and people are likely to have useful clarifications to make on matters such as the scope and depth of inquiry into vaccine effectiveness.

He says the commissioners want to hear about the wide range of experiences people had, and their observations of the pandemic, whatever they might be.

“It is important that we hear these stories,” Blakely says. “The unfortunate reality is that there will be another pandemic, and we need to take this opportunity to learn the lessons, both from our own experiences and from those overseas, so that we’re as prepared as possible.

“While changes to our terms of reference will likely alter how we analyse what we are told, everyone should feel free to make submissions on any aspects of the pandemic.”

Submissions close on March 24 and can be lodged at: